My passion for certain things I had before returned, such as my love for K-pop, cactuses, coconut scented stuff and candles. I also got an obsession with going out for walks, while photographing on the way. My music taste got yet chiller and less funky.
I still love to watch YouTube videos from Dustin Vuong, Fruitypoppin' and your mom Ashley. My current favorite artists are Lexie Liu, Stray Kids, Rich Brian, Swervy, Nu'est and Rocketgirls 101. My current favorite food is toast with cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce and Italian spices mix. My favorite drinks are water, mint tea and oat milk.
Last Saturday I treated myself by buying some new goodies. I've bought a coconut scented hand lotion and shower milk from the Body Shop, coconut hair oil, a new candle, my favorite magazine 'Cosmopolitan' and some other things like nails, a coverstick and a nice fizzy drink with raspberry flavor.
Today was the first time since ages that I did something for school, and I'm not gonna lie, I actually liked doing it. I made these cute notes with drawn on roses and small cactuses, food logs and such. I got 2 tasks done today, I'll finish the other things tomorrow, cuz I'm exhausted for now.
Right now I'm listening to this Spotify playlist, and drinking some tea. I'm enjoying the scent of my candles and potpourri. Life's relaxing at this moment, at least, in my bedroom. It's rather yet loud outside of these safe walls. But I can dig it. I'll enjoy my evening for now. See y'all in my next post!
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