I know no one reads my blog, but I'm currently in the right headspace to blog again. I like making videos, but this is more my forth since i just love ranting anonymously. A lot has happened in the last year. I moved out of my parent's house, and live with my mom in a small village now. I also switched courses, and am an art student now. My current major is photography, that i'll start officially next monday. I also considered recovery for my eating disorder, which is going quite alright. I'm still obsessively counting calories and everything, but I eat what I like, and try to not skip meals, and that's going okay!
I also reached 300 subscribers on my youtube channel this year, which isn't much, but it means the world to me, since that means people actually like my work! I currently don't have as much inspiration as before but I still try to create great mixes and such.
I also came out as transgender to my family and friends. My dad and stepmom weren't supportive, even though they said they were, and my mom is trying her best to call me by male pronouns and titles. Online and in class, it's going quite alright too. It's suprising how supportive people are nowadays, it makes me happy. I still like to wear dresses, make-up and such, but that has nothing to do with my gender haha.
I also started to draw digitally, which is going okay I guess. Sometimes I feel like it looks so cartoony, but I like that I can finally make art with colors. It does mean that I have too much stationary left unused under my desk, since I moved to digitally with everything, butu maybe it'll come in handy one day. At least I hope, cuz I've spend a lot of money on it.
With interests, it's still the same honestly. I still love the taste of matcha, and have an ongoing love for Tizzy T, Stray Kids, Choi Mingi and Ash Island heheh.
I'm in a good mood lately, and even though I have 'down' days where I tend to procrastinate and wander off, lost in thoughts, I feel like it's all going to be alright. I'm going to ace this year and hopefully I'll write fun blog posts again! But we'll see about that. School and personal health first!
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